Friday, 1 January 2021

Limbic Control

The result of the Brexit vote, the election of Trump, the anti-vaxx movement and the proliferation of conspiracy theories in general (yes, Brexit was the result of many different conspiracy theories portrayed as fact that pandered to half the country's prejudices - a willing deception) show how social media has worked against democracy by virtue of ramping up primordial emotions in contrast to rational thought. Social media has been hijacked by unscrupulous operatives to divert our attention from facts and toward irrational, emotive issues that are the preserve of the primitive limbic system. 

That's not to say emotion doesn't have a place in our lives, but it's more suited to spontaneous, unthinking reaction to danger than careful consideration of complex issues. 

Unless this is addressed, democracy will suffer even more, but who is willing to address this? Politicians certainly aren't - they're the prime users of emotive misinformation to sway votes and are revelling in their new-found powers. Regulators are subservient to governments, so they're no help either. The media says whatever the owner sets as the agenda. 

It could be said that we have sown the seeds of the destruction of rational thought and that the Enlightenment has finally died. Democracy has been handed to the demagogue who has learned to control our emotions.

A Happy New Year to all my readers. Here's hoping 2021 will be as interesting as 2020 - or perhaps not. However, may all your Tiers be small ones.

1 comment:

Roger said...

A very happy new year to you and yours.