Thursday 24 March 2022

PR Wars

It would seem that the Ukrainian defenders are wining the PR war with Russia.

Because Putin is so paranoid about controlling the narrative, Russian soldiers are not allowed to carry mobile phones, therefore they can't upload images of their victories to the internet, not that they're even allowed to use social media, or having many victories.

The Ukrainians have no such restrictions, meaning that every victory, no matter how small, becomes instantly available to the world and is celebrated.

The Russians, in order to progress, have to use mechanised columns. This is 20th C warfare. 

However, mechanised columns give off heat signatures from the powertrain and the heating needed to keep them warm. The Ukrainians realise this and retaliate with 21st C thermal imaging drones that target missiles on the heat signatures with pinpoint accuracy. No wonder they're demolishing the advancing Russian columns, and posting evidence on social media. 

The balance is in the hands of the defenders.

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