Sunday, 19 June 2022

Haile Selassie

I'm currently reading a book about Haile Selassie, which comprises stories from those who surrounded him as factotums and flunkies, of which he had many.

One passage stood out like a sore thumb:

"Though everyone - if he proved his loyalty - could count on a bountiful gift, there were still continuous quarrels between lobbies, constant struggles for privileges, incessant grabbing, and all because of the needs of that bird of paradise that fills every man. His Most Extraordinary Majesty liked to watch this elbowing. He liked the people of the court to multiply their belongings, he liked their accounts to grow and their purses to swell. I don’t remember His Magnanimous Highness's ever demoting someone and pressing his head to the cobblestones because of corruption. Let him enjoy his corruption, as long as he shows his loyalty! Thanks to his unequalled memory and also to the constant reports, our monarch knew exactly who had how much. But as long as his subject behaved loyally, he kept this knowledge to himself and never made use of it. But if he sensed even the slightest shadow of disloyalty, he would immediately confiscate everything and take the bird of paradise away from the embezzler, Thanks to that system of accountability, the King of Kings had everyone in his hand, and everyone knew it."

Remind you of anyone?

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