Thursday, 16 June 2022

The Magnificence of a Moustache

I last shaved on my birthday on the 22nd March, intending to grow a bigger beard for a while.

However, it was getting a bit out of control, so I thought I'd do a bit of topiary and go back to a Kenneth Branagh / Poirot moustache.

The carving process was quite simple, but it does require a bit more attention with the clippers before it's in the required shape - as you can see, there are a few stray hairs.

Made up some moustache wax from some beeswax I had left from when I made up some furniture wax, mixed with beard balm, which is too soft to use for styling. The resultant mix is provides adequate hold, but I burned it slightly when using the blowtorch to melt it and so it mings a bit, not that it bothers me that much. The smell soon goes away - I think.

The problem with cultivating a 'tash like this in summer is the heat - makes the wax melt quite easily and you and up with serious droop. Drinking coffee or tea also tends to melt the wax, meaning frequent styling throughout the day. A sticky, wax-covered comb in your back pocket is a necessity.

Hay hates it and thinks it's a bit of a male, willy waver thing. It might just be the smell of burnt wax or the fact I leave waxy fingerprints all over the place.

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