Thursday 2 August 2018

Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker

Have you ever bought meat at a butcher's? Have you ever bought vegetables at a greengrocer's? Have you ever bought real bread at a bakery?

Ever seen a sell-by date on any of the above items? No, you use your common sense. Why is it that food labelling applies only to pre-packaged goods and not stuff bought loose, even when bought in the same shop? Buy loose bananas in a supermarket and there's no sell-by date, but the minute they're placed in a plastic container with cellophane there has to be a label telling you when to either buy them by or by when to eat them by. Illogical.

Talking of labelling, I wonder if electronic gadget manufacturers will ever get round to marketing certain gadgets as containing no Artificial Intelligence?

1 comment:

Roger said...

Be careful what you wish for here: sometimes the only intelligence that exists is that inside a person's mobile device!