Monday, 20 August 2018

Urban Turban Intercooler Pipes

Forgot to mention yesterday that while we were in Wells a charity called KhalsaAid - a Sikh charity - was doing an exhibition of turban tying for donations. It was strange to see middle class Brits wandering around sporting turbans.

When you think of it, turbans on women were all the rage in the late 1700s, as well as the 1970s.

One of the volunteers got chatting to us and said they were raising funds for homeless people in the UK. That brought a tear to my eye, as it's so heartening to see people wanting to cooperate across racial divides, rather than beating seven shades of shit out of each other.

I did my usual trick yesterday of buying something off eBay and not checking where it's coming from. Bought a silicon turbo intercooler pipe to replace a split one on my my car, attracted by the fact it was half the price of the others on display, only to find out that it will take 3 weeks to arrive from Hong Kong.

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