Wednesday 8 August 2018

One Man Went to Mow a Burqa

This burqa kerfuffle - I have little love, or indeed respect for Boris Johnson, but he is right not to apologise for his burqa comment. The burqa is not religious garb, but cultural, as evidenced by the female Muslims criticising him not wearing one themselves - one wonders why they don't wear one?

It might not have been wise of Boris, as a politician, to say what he did, but it is not something for which he needs to apologise. Dave Allen made a career out of sending up religion, for God's sake (that's irony, by the way).

Critics said his comment dehumanised Muslim women - well doesn't the burqa itself do that? It certainly de-feminises them. Boris is known for his jokes and a woman in a burqa does indeed look like a letterbox - it's an observational fact, just like a nun looks like a penguin. Ismalophobia, my arse - it's called humour and religion has no legitimate defence against humour, especially when it's all based on tripe. Religion has tried, many times, to defend itself against fact, but failed miserably. I find myself wavering between 'each person to his own' and outright religiophobia, and the more of this nonsense I hear, the more I become religiophobic and say; "A plague on all their houses." Let's get some perspective!

When all's said and done, you'd think Boris, a prime purveyor of invented nonsense about the EU, would have a soft spot for religious nonsense.

Well, the harvest is in, however, next year I'll be making the unmown areas somewhat smaller.

While leaving areas unmown was intended as a means of reducing the workload over the growing season, as well as for increasing biodiversity in the garden, it's one hell of a work up when it comes to cutting it in late summer - it's easier overall to mow it once a week.

1 comment:

Roger said...

You don't think that it's Boris's way of raising his profile to a prospective electorate? After all, all pulicity is beneficial in some way.