Friday 2 October 2020

Sensational Fire Pit

I tallied two people in Lidl yesterday without masks - a father in his lagte 20s and an old bloke. The father was challenged at the till and left with a scarf over his mug; not sure what happened to the old bloke. I suppose he could be exempt, but I only saw him enter as I was about to leave.

The strangest thing happened to me yesterday - I lost all touch sensation on the skin on my right, upper thigh. Apparently it's called meralgia paresthetica and is caused by a compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, which supplies sensation to the upper leg. While I can't feel touch, I can feel heat and cold. Hopefully it won't last too long, although it can become chronic.

I'd obviously trapped the nerve while hunched over a particularly filthy car during the process of cleaning its interior, as evidenced by a bad back. It's curious, but of all the cars I've valeted in the last 14 weeks, the worst are those owned by women. Filthy creatures. Pet hairs, children's detritus, dust and gravel by the bucket load, what looks like sick on the carpets - hideous.

Our new fire pit cum BBQ arrived yesterday:

It's extremely swish - just hope it works as it should. It will get its first showing the next time we go away in the van - which might be a while. Might cause some fire pit envy among fellow campers...

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