Friday 7 January 2022

Parallel Universe Proven

Although he doesn't realise it, Boris Johnson, from his comments about the case of the Colston 4, has proven to science the existence of a parallel universe.

What he said is; "Statue protesters can't change history." On first reading he's correct, but it depends on which history he means - the one contained on Colston's plaque, which I believe is what he means, or the real, documented history. 

It seems he hasn't read the plaque on the Colston statue, which reads as follows:

That's rewriting history. 

The Colston statue was put up by fans of Colston, primarily in response to the erection of a statue of Edmund Burke, who had criticised Bristol's involvement in the slave trade. It was therefore a political statement and a provocation. As for the inscription, that's simply wiping Colston's history clean.

We already knew Johnson inhabited an alternate reality where lies are perceived as truth by him and his followers, but this is the icing on the cake.

For an excellent analysis of the case of the Colston 4, read the blog of The Secret Barrister

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