Saturday 29 January 2022

Tiresome Masks

So, Boris says masks are no longer necessary and care home residents can have as many visitors as they want. Just another example of him, throwing people under his Big Red Bus in order to satisfy his backbenchers and save his own, miserable, lying skin.

I would ask those who refuse to wear masks whether they would take a gaggle of unmasked friends round to a care home to visit their nan. I'll bet you a pound to a pinch of poo they wouldn't. So why can't the 'Freedom' warriors extend the same consideration to other people's nans in supermarkets? Because they're selfish shits, that's why!

It's getting rather tiresome hearing people saying that children's mental health is being affected by masks. There's not a scintilla of evidence that this is the case.

Yes, some kids may well show signs of neurosis when told to wear a mask, but it's not the mask itself that's causing it. Show me a kid who believes a mask is affecting their mental health and I'll show you, nine times out of ten, a parent who doesn't like masks for ideological reasons. Neurotic kids have neurotic parents, who pass their neuroses on to their kids. It's the same with kids who are afraid of dogs - it's invariably the parents who pass on this fear. There's much evidence to support this. Children of parents with anxiety disorders are four to six times more likely to develop an anxiety disorder in their lifetime.

It's no accident that it's mainly so-called, libertarian Tory MPs who are coming out with this garbage. They have to in order to defend the indefensible.

Here is a quick and intuitive visualisation of the current Covid situation - a heatmap showing infection age ranges over time to a couple of days ago. Blue is falling cases and red is rising cases:

It's interesting to note that cases are rising in school children and a rise is now also manifesting in their parents' age group, and there are very early signs of cases levelling off from a decline and starting to increase in the grandparent generation. Dropping the use of masks in schools is plain idiotic and ideological.

Masks increase your freedom and don't, in any way, restrict your freedoms. As I keep saying, they're pieces of cloth, not IEDs.

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