Tuesday, 28 June 2022


Plexiglass for the air-con window vent finally arrived yesterday.

You can see it balanced on the windowsill. The intention is to clip it to the wall around the window with secondary double glazing clips, which should arrive in the post today. This will allow me to mount it temporarily when we have heatwaves and stow it away at all other times.

I've scribed the hole for the white, plastic vent and have to collect one of those drill bits that's also a file from ScrewFix later today, which I will carve the hole with.

All rather Heath-Robinson, but not bad for a total cost, including the air-con itself, of £50, whereas I'd receive no change from £1,500 for a permanent installation.

1 comment:

Kevin Dennington said...

Got me thinking. However I will need a larger sheet of perspex and so consequently thicker. Coming from a make do and mend era I like Heath Robinson.