Tuesday 20 February 2024

Tick-Box Stupidity

Because her dad is partially deaf, hay had to phone the council on his behalf in order to see whether he qualified for a grant toward double glazing. She has enduring power of attorney, but that wasn't even an issue.

When on the phone to the council, the person at the other end said she'd need to speak to Hay's dad to ensure he gave permission for Hay to act on his behalf. Hay could easily have passed the phone to me and I could have said I'm her dad and that I gave her permission. No-one would know whether I was her dad or not.

It's an example of a ridiculous tick-box exercise that no-one has ever thought about logically and whether it actually achieves what it sets out to achieve.

1 comment:

David Boffey said...

I had a similar problem with DWP which went on for a couple of years until someone realised they were being insane. Problem solved.