Monday 27 May 2024

A Bit of Double-Sided Tape

Rear view mirrors on the Mobylette are useless. Half the time I'm staring at my torso and the rest of the time I'm gazing at my arms. I had to find something better, as looking over my shoulder results in me swerving into the middle of the road.

I has an idea to adapt a cycling helmet mirror for use on a moped. A cycling rear mirror` attaches by Velcro to the inside of the wearer's cycling helmet, but I was certain I could attach it to the peak of my moped helmet.

Attaching things to your helmet with with sticky substances is not recommended, as the sticky stuff can, under the right circumstances, weaken the helmet.

I tackled the problem by fixing the mirror to the detachable peak using the double-sided tape that's used for keeping car number plates on - it's very strong. Putting it on the peak has the added benefit of the fact I can remove the peak and attach it to Hay's helmet for when she rides the Moby. It works a treat, it doesn't block my field of view and I merely have to move my head slightly to get a full view of what's roaring up behind me.

I added a bicycle, digital speedo to the Moby, calibrating it by using an App that reads out your speed. It's critical that I know how far I've travelled and, therefore, approximately how much fuel I have left. Early indications are 100 MPG. I clocked up 36MPH the other day, but 32MPH is more normal.

I'm not usually sympathetic toward cyclists, especially when a gaggle of them slow the traffic down for miles; however, riding on the moped has made me realise that the poor buggers are taking their lives in their hands with all the potholes in the roads. I at least have suspension and reasonably thick tyres, whereas they have none and tyres as thin as razorblades.


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