Saturday 18 May 2024

Wood Butchery

Back to the GT6 dashboard and another tool. A rabetter - or rebate maker. Old hat to many, but not to me.

It really needs using in my drill press or plam router to ensure it's always vertical, but this was just a test. You get varying size bearings to put on the end, which control the depth of the rebate you want. 

I used it in a cordless drill and, because it was wobbling around a bit in my hand, it gouged a bit extra out on the left of the test instrument hole.

You can see from the image below that the bezel of the repro fuel gauge I bought from India fits perfectly into the rebate. 

I'm not actually sure I'll use rebates for the instruments, as I like the idea of the chrome bezel protruding more and hiding any possible gaps.

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