Friday 17 May 2024

I'm Psychic

A couple of nights ago I had a dream in which I accidentally smashed my Bangers & Cash mug that I bought from Matthewson's on our visit to Thornton-le-Dale last month. When I woke up I remembered the dream and told Hay.

Later that day I nudged a Workmate than my mug of tea was on and if fell to the floor, smashing on the garage floor.

Glad I told Hay about the dream, else I'd think it was post-hoc rationalisation.

Spooky, or what?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Many suburban gardeners have eschewed the mower in an attempt to increase biodiversity during no-mow May. But the science behind this catchy-sounding initiative is not certain. The extra flowers meant to encourage pollinators don’t materialize, studies show. Instead of avoiding mowing during May, removing grass wholesale is better at increasing biodiversity and allowing native plants to flourish. But getting rid of grass comes with its own problems: herbicides can do the job, but they are not great for other biodiversity. Mulching grass when dormant seems a safe bet. Plenty to mull over in those hours not spent at the mower."
So, the science isn't as settled as I thought.
so, Carry On Mowing!