Wednesday 15 May 2024

They Seek Him Here, They Seek Him There

This Scorpion bloke - the international people smuggler - how come the bloody BBC can find him but the combined the might of the British law enforcement and intelligence agencies (not to mention the Belgians) couldn't find hide nor hair of him?

Could it be that they weren't looking that hard?

Sirkar Starmer's idea of a new anti-smuggling Command to battle him and his ilk sounds like a good idea, as what's taking place presently ain't working.

Or just give the job to the BBC....

Talking of Starmer, I never realised, but his wife is Jewish. She's not strictly Jewish according to Orthodox and Conservative Judaism, as her mother converted and wasn't born Jewish - the purists believe being Jewish passes down the female line and if your mother wasn't born of a Jewish mother, then you're not really Jewish. Reform Jews are a bit more relaxed on this.

His kids are apparently brought up in the faith, despite him being more sensibly described as atheist. Nevertheless, it's bound to be a factor in his thinking on Gaza. Also, you hardly ever see her and I didn't know either her name or what she looked like before Googling her. Sunak's wife, however, was the subject of a puff-piece in The Times over the weekend - Sunak's preparing for a GE and wants to use his Mrs to his advantage, not that I think having a millionaire wife who was a non-dom is an advantage at the current time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

G00gle is immoral. I prefer
Good for the environment.