Saturday, 25 August 2018

Mass Shrek Allergies

I'm hearing more and more rules coming into force to cater for allergies in relation to food. Time was when all these people with spurious allergies simply died; however, now restaurateurs have to list each one of a myriad allergens, which is a mammoth task. Surely it would be simpler to just say on the menu that allergies aren't catered for and be done with it?

Alex Salmond was on the news last night. Obviously I'm not the first to make the connection, as this image from the interweb attests...

I see the Pope is going to celebrate Mass in Ireland. I wonder whether he also celebrates Force and Acceleration? He may as well go the whole hog and celebrate Newton's entire 2nd Law of Motion.

1 comment:

kate steeper said...

having met Mr Salmond the resemblance is quite stunning , along with the personality .