Tuesday 23 March 2021

Data & Bill

I think I've figured out the motive driving the minority who rioted in Bristol - it was all a misunderstanding of nomenclature. The protest was called Kill the Bill, referring to the Police, Crime and Sentencing Bill. The rioters and thugs thought it was an invitation to kill the Bill - the Old Bill.

The data allegedly says schools aren't epicentres for Covid.

No.2 Daughter has 4 kids, all under the age of 10. They've weathered Covid for over 12 months, without a single one of them getting it. 

They returned to school 2 weeks ago and, hey presto, the eldest tests positive and the whole family is now self-isolating.

It would be handy for No.2 Daughter if she could ascertain whether her other kids are similarly infected, but that's not possible unless and until they show symptoms - but kids can be asymptomatic. After the self-isolation, she will be unaware whether her other 3 kids are safer because they've had the virus and have antibodies.

I simply can't believe, from both personal and logical perspectives that schools aren't vectors. If pubs, restaurants and anywhere where people congregate are vectors, then why aren't schools? It simply doesn't make sense, especially as kids are more likely to asymptomatic and can bring it home unbeknownst to their parents.

No.2 Son gave me Failures of State, a book on the failures by our current government during the pandemic, as a birthday present yesterday. It's written by two award winning Sunday Times investigative journalists. I'm only on the 2nd chapter and already in despair at the dithering that took place.

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