Wednesday 8 March 2023

A Question

The next time you hear someone complain that we shouldn't be looking after refugees because we should be looking after our own first, ask them this question.

"So you support the public sector strikes for better wages then?"

I'll bet a pound to a pinch of poo that they'll be a bit flustered as, in the main, those who are anti-refugee are also anti-public sector, despite the fact they use school spaces and access to health services as a lever.

Why do the refugees choose Britain? It's simple - because the British used to have a reputation for welcoming them. But that's all changed following Brexit, and they haven't heard the news yet.


David Boffey said...

"Why do the refugees choose Britain? "
Fun Fact. Most don't. The UK is low on refugee numbers.

Anonymous said...

I think most fair minded people welcome genuine refugees.... What they arent too keen on are economic migrants.... There is a difference. Whilst it's true that other countries may have taken more gross or per capita... Have a look at an atlas and look at the difference in country size