Friday 24 March 2023

The Problem of Mondays

I was having a metaphysical moment the other day and was contemplating Heaven and Hell and, specifically, The Problem of Evil, whereby those arguing against there being a compassionate God maintain that such a being would not permit suffering and evil.

However, what if we're already in Hell? Monday mornings alone would suggest that we are. Also the fact we keep voting into power these lizard people to govern us, and they are obviously minor demons that inhabit Hell and are sent to test us.

Surely a compassionate God would not give us just a single chance to enter Heaven or be consigned to Hell for eternity? He would much more likely give us an infinite number of chances; you die and are judged at the Pearly Gates and, if you don't come up to scratch, you're sent back for another interminable session on Earth, or Hell as I would call it, in order to try to redeem yourself..

Perhaps our minds are wiped clean before we're sent back as an embryo but, occasionally, the programming goes a bit wrong and memories from previous lives leak through.

I suppose this concept is a bit Buddhist, without the coming back as an animal or amoeba bit, which may just be possible, but rather yukky.

1 comment:

David Boffey said...

It is probable, albeit highly unlikely there is such a thing as a god or gods and if there are they will be closer to the Hellenistic Pantheon than the evil Abrahamic one.