Tuesday 5 September 2023

Running on Fumes

Last week I went to Bedford to collect a car. The journey back was 135 miles and, according to the car's computer, I had 136 miles of fuel.

I set off, thinking I could increase the range by keeping my speed within certain bounds and resisting the urge to speed up.

At the halfway mark I'd gained some 15 miles range, but the closer I got to base the more this dropped off. It was nothing to do with the actual range, but merely the fact that as the tank empties, the reduction in volume leads to an increase in the error.

Got back with the range reading zero.

According to pundits, zero miles to empty usually means you have another 20 miles remaining, but I've never tested this theory; however, having gained 15 miles at the halfway mark and no change in driving style, this would bear it out and I probably had somewhere between 20 and 30 miles left.

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