Friday 8 September 2023

Think Floyd

Some people have a totally irrational objection to tribute bands.

When you think about it, any orchestra that plays Bach, Mozart, Handel, etc., is a tribute orchestra, yet no-one bats an eyelid. In the world of classical music it doesn't seem to be such an issue.

However, that could be because we don't have any Hi-Fi recordings of the original artists, whereas we do when it comes to modern bands.

There again, one can sit at home and listen to Pink Floyd in relative comfort, but one misses the atmosphere of a live performance, and a live performance from Pink Floyd ain't going to happen.

I have a couple of tickets to see Think Floyd at the Grain and Cheese in Frome in October. Hay's not keen, as she's been to numerous Pink Floyd gigs when they were touring in the 80s. Anyone care to join me?


Peter Nutt said...

only if they come up to 'England' 😎

David Boffey said...

Love to, but I'm bedridden.