Sunday, 30 September 2018

Dead Brexit Sketch

It's really amusing listening to the die-hard, Brexit dogmatists on the radio and in the media trying to make a silk purse  from the sow's ear that Brexit was predicted by 'experts' to become - and has, indeed, manifestly become. We are regaled on a daily basis with mythical opportunities which, when analysed, are nothing but hot air, wishful thinking, flights of fancy having no basis in reality, or minor, genuine opportunities, extrapolated beyond all bounds of pragmatic feasibility.

Interestingly enough, there's a news report that says 3 in 5 Britons believe in miracles. They'd have to, if they thought Brexit could be a success story.  One is reminded of King Canute trying to command the waves (however, he was trying to make a point, contrary to popular belief), or the Monty Python Dead Brexit sketch.....


Roger said...

Why do you suppose that the government are hell bent on going through with leaving the EU when all evidence points to disaster?

Chairman Bill said...

Because they undertook to abide by the result, despite the whole process being flawed.