Thursday 15 June 2023

I'll Have a Pie with That

Given I've felt that my eyesight has been getting worse since contracting Covid last November, I thought I'd have an eye test and get a new pair of specs.

Surprisingly, there appears to have been little change to my prescription, but I do need a new pair of spectacles, as the ones I have possess arms that can't be bent around my ears and are far too long, necessitating me having to adorn them with jury rigged accoutrements to keep them in position.

Having looked at the more popular on-line sites, I thought I'd delve into the lesser known ones, landing on one called Specs Cart, where they have a penchant for calling their spectacles after British place names.

I alighted on a pair called Wigan 5, there being a number of variations on the theme.

I wondered whether the Wigan range came with a free pie.

I do quite like the Oldham rimless range - a bit more upmarket than Wigan, which have more than a whiff of 60's NHS specs about them.

1 comment:

RannedomThoughts said...

They look exactly like the ones I got from Primark for £3.