Thursday 29 June 2023

The Government Remains Committed

We're being fed complete and utter crap by our Conservative government or, rather, the bunch of rapacious shysters masquerading as our government.

In the last couple of days I heard three separate news reports; one about filthy rivers, another about crumbling schools and a third about the government not meeting its climate change targets.

The response from the government?

  1. The government remains committed to clean waterways. Evidentially bollocks, with the latest news about Thames Water.
  2. The government remains committed to student safety. So why are schools crumbling?
  3. The government remains committed to meeting its climate targets. Oh yes - while issuing new licences for North Sea Oil?
Those responses are utter drivel, as evidenced by them not meeting any targets whatsoever. It's a standard knee-jerk from the 'computer says no' brigade in Whitehall.

It's no wonder the government wants to outlaw protests - they know what's coming.


Dronski said...

In the post Johnson era they're not even pretending to care.....they know that they've fukt the entire fabric of society, the economy, our relationship and standing in the world and they have a snowball's chance in hell's chance of being elected next time - so why not just press the stock, bland platitude every time?

David Boffey said...

It all goes back to Thatcher.