Tuesday 31 October 2023

Air Source Heat Pump

Not having used the Air Source Heat Pump this summer, except for the odd day, I've been able work out its power usage. Cost, with the varying price of electricity is rather more difficult to ascertain.

Click to enlarge the chart. Orange is usage and blue is generated from the solar PV - all in kWh.

Last summer, I was using around 10 kWh on a daily basis. This summer it's been around 4 kWh, with the only difference being the use of the ASHP. So that's some 6 kWh attributable to the ASHP, but that does not allow for the fact we have solar thermal, which reduces the load on the ASHP when it's sunny.

Not allowing for the solar thermal boost, at current prices, that equates today to £2.26 a day for domestic hot water during summer - more if you don't have solar thermal. I have no idea how that compares to a gas boiler, as we don't have one.

I can't work out the winter cost, as the underfloor heating massively skewed the figures last year and I have to wait to see this year's winter trend (sans underfloor heating) before I can arrive at a figure.

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