Wednesday 11 October 2023


 No.1 Son made the mistake of buying an SDJ Mini SE drone and leaving it at our house. I broke it by crashing it into a tree. I did, however, fix it.

Here are a couple of videos I took.

And here is a series of photos No.1 Son took - he's far more adventurous than me and will fly it at night. It is his, after all, so he can take the risks.

It has a range of 6-10km.

He had a go at videoing the Old Sodbury church, as well as the first GWR Sodbury Tunnel vent shaft, which is up on the escarpment and one of a series. The church is about half a mile away and the vent is probably just short of a mile. Both flights were controlled from our house.

And here he shows off a bit by flying it through our house:


Anonymous said...

Amazing, I want one!

George said...


Roger said...

It looks to be very stable