Monday 22 January 2024

Culture Wars

I was watching a programme on PBS America about the incident in the 1970s when  bunch of rock fans blew up disco records as a war on disco. They weren't just rock fans; they wanted to ruin the enjoyment that disco fans got from disco and to demolish it.

There was a very pertinent comment made by someone during the show; "America's defined by Culture Wars, from civil rights to counter culture, abortion to guns, religion to feminism and gay rights, the North vs the South; clashes define the national discourse." We see it playing out in American politics now.

It got me to thinking how the right in Britain, lacking any clear policies, has latched on to this in a copycat form of warfare. It's not enough to be un-Woke; they have to attack Woke at every opportunity. 

It's a diversionary tactic to evert the electorate's eyes to the paucity of positive, progressive policy and polarise issues that are of little relevance in governing the country. They prey on feelings of fear and resistance to change, eulogising a Golden age of rampant racism, homophobia, misogyny and discrimination.

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