Tuesday 16 January 2024

Tasting Notes

Spotted a McGuigan, zero alcohol Shiraz in Tesco for about £3.50 and thought I'd give it a go.

Now McGuigan make reasonable wines, so I (stupidly) thought it might be fairly palatable.

There's something missing when it hits the mouth - probably the alcohol. It's insipid, but not totally unpleasant. There was all kinds of wine buff shit on the tasting notes, talking about vanilla, blackberries and oak, but it tastes just like grape juice and strips the mucus from one's tongue and the roof of one's mouth. 

It would benefit from being a touch frizzante - and about 14% alcohol. It would take some getting used to and I don't think I'll buy more until the end of the decade, when they may have made it more palatable.

It might be a good base from which to brew your own wine, but that would be an expensive option. Hay suggested I mix it 50/50 with my usual tipple, but that would just be a waste of Jam Shed Malbec.

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