We’re wondering whether to put a cat flap in for the kitten or to just give her a set of keys so she can let herself in.
Hay and I were discussing the virtues of men and women. She remarked how women were more like cats, hissing and spitting whenever another woman appeared on the scene, whereas men were more like dogs, they sniff each other’s bums, wag their tails and then play together.
Had more logs delivered over the weekend and discovered that a ‘shed load’ is a load and a half. Some were quite short lengths and I got Caravan to drill a few holes in them so we could drop tea lights into them. I think we’ll go into production and sell them on eBay.
I’m going to be hideously mercenary now and generate a lot of comments.
The second photograph - is that dinner?
Richard x x x
Judging by Hay's description of men - she must have spent a lot of time observing behaviour in gay clubs!
Richard x x x
You mention the difference between women and men...yesterday I was with two men. One was 'Carmen's' ex-husband. The second was the lover who had broken up the marriage. 'Carmen' (I change the name to protect the guilty) was home, and the two guys, neither of whom are now 'with' Carmen, were out skiing together...Could you see that happening with a pair of women?
Richard: Naughty! Hay has a number of gay friends of both sexes.
Louise: Never in a million years.
No-one in general: The kitten ploy ain't working. Will have to document my shopping list and see if that generates comments.
I think you're hunting for SEO upmanship with Kittens in your title, too...extremely mercenary. Well done....
How grand it is to be back from my travels to discover that you are still writing about all the cuddly little subjects - kittens and tea lights - that I have become so used to. It feels like I've never been away. Looking forward to the weekly knitting pattern.
Kitty has got a cute commentability factor of ten!
Sometimes just sometimes us ladies like to gang up on the odd man as a team, rather than hissing and fighting over him.
You are going soft in your old age - Giving in to a kitten! You'll be 'owned' now, just you wait!
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