Saturday 30 May 2015


Overheard while Hay was talking to a male friend who has decided to become a woman.

Hay: "The default for all fetuses is female and it's the lack of something that turns a fetus into a male."

Chairman: "That would that be the brain I suppose?"

We went to our usual dining haunt last night - The Fox And Hounds in Acton Turville. Hay's sea bream was divine and led us to consider a website where you could track your favourite chef as he or she moved from establishment to establishment, We came up with www.StalkYourChef,com.


A Heron's View said...

When you say "Hay's sea bream was divine" does that actually mean that you were both eating off the same plate ? :)

Chairman Bill said...

I made a mistake - it was actually sea bass. That aside, she was engaged in feeding 5,000...