Thursday 25 February 2016

XLVI Stunt Vaping on Fat-Arsed EEG

Overheard while driving with Hay along the A46 toward Nailsworth and discussing possible wedding venues:

Hay: "Apparently the Bodkin was originally a priory before the dissolution and was then turned into a coaching inn before falling into the hands of the Duke of Beaufort."

Chairman: "Obvious place for a coaching inn on the A46 - a main artery in those days."

Hay: "Naturally it wasn't known as the A46 then."

Chairman: "I'll think you'll find it was known as the A46 in Roman times, hence Roman Camp a few miles back, but obviously they called it the Via XLVI and Legio IX Hispana were marching up and down it."

Sent my local MP (who happens to be a Conservative) an email on Monday asking which side he is taking on the EU issue. He has yet to respond.

Had cause to go into the local vape shop the other day for a spare part. I'm always astounded by the clouds of vapour generated by the people in there - it ain't human. When I vape I produce small amounts of vapour that disappear within a few seconds - these buggers have turned it into a performance art. You can hardly see the damned counter for the fug.

ECG and EEC - the word they describe is a single word, albeit a compound word. Surely the contraction for both should simply be E?

I'm seeing an alarming number of otherwise reasonable looking celebrity women on magazine racks with gigantic bums, and when I say gigantic I mean deformed - you could put a fully loaded teatray on them while said women are standing vertical. Is it an attempt by fat-arsed celebrities to make their huge backsides fashionable?


A Heron's View said...

I have always thought that a Bodkin was an oversized sewing needle ?

Chairman Bill said...

So it is. I don't know why the pub on the A46 got that name.

Here's the history from the website:

The Bodkin's History

Originally owned by the Badminton Estate, the earliest parts of the building remain from a twelfth century priory, which was destroyed by Henry VIII during the dissolution of the monasteries. The present building began life in the mid 17th century as a Posting House serving the Bath - Stroud route.

During its long life many famous guests have been entertained including Jane Austen who came as a child and then featured Petty France in her novel 'Northanger Abbey'.

She is also reputed to have signed one of the first floor windows with her diamond ring - a fashionable habit at that time.