Tuesday 29 August 2023


The government is using the rhetoric of the extreme right and creating enemies of institutions that hold it to account - a classic, totalitarian strategy.

Use of the phrase 'lefty lawyers' and 'thwarted' are all part of this rhetoric. When Suella Braverman says that the government has been thwarted by lefty lawyers, what she actually means is that her illegal plans have been derailed by the law of the land and lawyers, whatever their political leanings, who are paid to represent their clients, using the law of the land, which results in the government losing in the courts.

Her government, and especially her department, is in charge of those laws and is tasked with upholding them, or changing them, if they so desire. What Braverman is being thwarted from doing was breaking the law - laws that apply equally to all - by lawyers whose political persuasion is immaterial. They have only one weapon at their disposal - the law.

As for the mooted tagging of asylum applicants. Why? If an asylum applicant wants to abscond and disappear into the black economy, the tag can be merely cut off. It achieves nothing and is a dog whistle to appeal to her rapidly shrinking core base of people without a brain.

One wonders which ministers have shares in companies that make tags or whether a company having no record in the tag market has been handed a contract...

1 comment:

David Boffey said...

Expecting honesty, logic and sanity from that lot is beyond a lost cause.