Monday 28 August 2023

Working Flip-Flops

It's that time of year again when we stock up on logs for the winter.

As you can see, I wore my steel toe-capped, safety flip flops for the job. They also double as welding flip-flops due to the additional protection they afford.

When I was at sea in the early 70s, we had Chinese crew on the ships that went to the Far East and back, and they insisted on wearing flip-flops for every conceivable job. We used to call flip-flops Chinese sea boots or Chinese safety boots because of this.

Having Chinese below-decks crew was advantageous for a number of reasons, not least of which was the fact they worked very hard. The other benefit, as a young cadet, is that you would occasionally be invited into their mess deck to partake of real Chinese cuisine, as they had their own galley and cooked their own food.

Another 4  or 5 loads of logs can be put in there before it's full, and I'll attend to that next month. However, the bikes are going to have to be relocated. I need another shed!

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