Saturday, 5 June 2010

Homo Habilis Caravanserai

Hay’s father (aka Caravan) can be so annoying. Yesterday evening he was busy preparing a BBQ with one of those tin foil tray jobbies. Quicker than you can say ‘handyman’, he had knocked three pieces of wood together to make a windbreak.

Any normal chap would moan like hell for a few hours before finally proceeding to B&Q to buy something hideously expensive and totally inappropriate that wouldn’t have a chance in hell of working – in the process buying a power tool that was on special offer.

Hay and I went out for dinner at a local Italian restaurant last night (Giardino’s in Chipping Sodbury – and well worth a visit). She had dressed me in a nice clean shirt. Just as we left the caravan she looked at my shirt and said: “OK Badger, what’s it to be tonight then - tomato sauce, olive oil, cheese sauce?” I’m happy to report I returned to the caravan (for once) without a single stain on my shirt.

Being on a medical bent, Hay found a ruling by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulation Agency against Lloyd’s Pharmacies yesterday. It concerned their premature ejaculation service. The mind boggles as to what they do for one.


Alan Burnett said...

I suspect that they might have come up with that ruling too soon. (well, someone had to say it so it might as well be me as I am your first commentator this morning)

Phil said...

The shirt may have been clean BUT what was lurking in the beard for the midnight snack !

Lizzie Huxtable said...

My granny always said Thank God for premature ejaculation, or they keep you awake for bloody hours!