Tahrir Square Pop Festival to Become Annual Event
The Tahrir Square Pop Festival, held in Cairo between the 25th Jan and 11th Feb, was so successful that promoters are considering making it an annual event in the pop calendar.
Security this year was provided by the Egyptian Army using tanks, while crowd control was supplied by the Egyptian Police, using an effective mix of bonhomie, tear gas and rubber hoses filled with lead.
The least popular act this inaugural year was Hosni and the Pharaohs, who were booed off-stage. They are famous for starting the new Dictatorial Rock genre, which involves them taking the stage and being forcibly removed 30 years later.
The ever popular Muslim Brotherhood have been approached to do a 1 hour set next year, although it is thought they too may outstay their welcome.
Ireland Makes Determined Effort to Not Win Eurovision
Determined cut its national debt by ensuring it will not host the Eurovision Song Contest for a record 8th time, the Emerald Isle has selected Jedward, an Irish duo with less talent than can be found in a Missions to Seamen in Grimsby on a Sunday night and as much charisma as Hosni Mubarak, to represent it at the song festival.
Lloyd’s Pharmacy Blazes Trail in Disability Support
A Lloyd’s pharmacy shop in Chipping Sodbury High Street is innovatively using Braille to advertise its services to the blind.

Unfortunately, they haven’t yet gotten around to providing the ladder for the blind people to use to access the sign.
The Braille says "Please ask the shop assistant for a ladder".
How would wheelchair-bound blind people manage to get up the ladder?
That Lloyds must be in a rough neighbourhood, you can still see the aftermath of the last drive by shooting..
Love the Egypt pop festival piece.
That Loyds sign reminds me of those peg boards you got as a kid in the seventies, the ones you put the little couloured pegs in to make a picture. I wonder what picture is hiding?
I've come over to you from Alan's place - and you have made me laugh. I wish I was half as inventive/alert. As my daughter pointed out to me, the toppling of Hosni Mubarak means there is one less dictator in the world whose name can be sung to 'Guantanamera'.
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